Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Genetics, revisited.

As I mentioned in my last post, I met with our geneticist on Monday.

It was both comforting and infuriating.

We went over all of the test results from the last year.  Chromosomes, arrays, genes, microdeletions and abnormalities.

All clean. Henry had perfect DNA.

Then we went over known environmental factors that cause Holoprosencephaly.

Mostly acne medications and maternal diabetes. I have/take neither.

So - what does this mean? I can't blame anything. There is nothing I could have done to avoid what happened to him. Absolutely nothing.

There's a chance that 1 baby in every 10,000 will have HPE.

As I understand it - of 1,000,000 babies, 100 will have HPE. 50 will have a chromosomal issue, 40 will have a genetic issues, 9 will be the result of an environmental factor... And one very special boy will be just by horrible, horrible chance.

My Henry was one in a million.

For future pregnancies, this is good news.
For me right now - I can't blame anyone. There's no cause. There's really not an answer to my constant "Why?"

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