Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Disney Advice

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming..

Just keep on going. Smile. Be kind. 

I've accepted things as they are, and can't change anything about this situation except for how I can handle it. I'm making the decision to live and carry on, you know?I can't just drown in sorrow all the time, that's depressing. And fattening. 

The MRI is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. We should have more results on Thursday. 

Ultimately, I'm having a big party of health providers on Monday. I'm going to have my Perinatologist there, my neonatal hospice coordinator, my doctors - and my husband, of course. 

I've said this before, but I'm just so lucky to be where I'm at. I'm surrounded by such love and support. I can't imagine having to face this alone, in another clinic/place. I'm really blessed. My son is blessed. We're going to get through this, and I'm going to be exactly what he needs. 

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