Thursday, July 18, 2013

Eight Weeks

It's been just over eight weeks since we last kissed him. I couldn't bring myself to post on Tuesday. I hate Tuesdays.

Like I stated in my last post, I'm starting to find peace. But it's at the cost of a lot of tears. I'm trying.

Minneapolis has been experiencing some very annoying weather lately. Incredibly hot and humid - like a sauna. The air conditioning at work is superb, so I leave every day shivering from cold and am able to enjoy the 90+ weather with 90+ humidity. Of course, this is causing hell on my sinuses.

I feel stagnant in this heat; I need a change. I'm going to see if a haircut will make me feel better. I'm just feeling so hollow these days. It's depression, to be sure, but there are ways to make it better. Other than medication -- which I'm on a therapeutic dose.

Sigh. That's it. Just.. sigh. Emptiness. I don't even know anymore.

1 comment:

  1. Tears are messengers of overwhelming grief and unspeakable love..
