Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Now that I've made the conscious decision to Let It Go, I feel a lightness in my chest.

I can't explain it any better than that. A lightness. It's a combination of feeling a weight lift, and a feeling of a (super cheesy!) inner light. I feel like a lighthouse - kind of?

People. I'm stressing out on how to describe how light and stress-free I feel. I am a walking contradiction.

I feel like I'm finally taking back control of my life. I let it run me for a while, but, dammit! It's my life. I don't need to put on a show for other's, to act they way they expect a grieving mother to act. I'm no where near "over it" - but I can't let it rule me. I have to be present for my daughter. In the moment.

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