Monday, August 26, 2013


"Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale."

I saw this quote today, and was struck by how absolutely true it was for me.

There was a boy. He met a girl. They fell in love. This is our happier ever after - this is our fairy tale. Once our story moved on to the next chapter, we continued to be happy. Together, we can get through almost anything. He's my rock. I won't flattery myself by saying the same for him. But still - that's what they mean by happily ever after. That once you find your One, life will continue - but now you have a partner to walk the road with.

First came love. Then came lots of fights and tears. And then marriage, and all of the stress of planning a wedding. Then She got pregnant, and made His life miserable for nine months. Then the pair became a trio, and the new addition can not be more perfect. Then we almost became a quartet.. But something went wrong, and we just got sadness.

But we're still happy. That hasn't changed.

Love you, Jason.

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