Saturday, April 20, 2013


Trying to keep a smile on gets old some days. Especially when I wake up feeling blue. I still have my responsibilities -- my daughter. Amelia makes my heart smile.

That's so bittersweet. One child makes my heart happy, the other's uncertain future tears it apart. I hate living in limbo.

Monday is my big meeting with all seven people involved in our medical care.

It seems too soon. And too far away. Again, so completely torn. I'm looking forward to a resolution, but I'm also dreading the outcome.

We met with the organ donation team last week. Henry can definitely donate his liver - the cells can help up to ten other babies.

If he's at least five pounds, he's a candidate for heart valve donation. That's a bit more unlikely, but it's something to hope for. Premies can't have artificial heart valves, they can't make them that small. So being able to give that gift would be very life-changing to other families facing losing their babies much too soon.

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